As a recent college graduate, you probably know that finding your first job out of school is a challenging prospect. However, you may not realize that an astonishing 36 percent of graduates are employed at jobs that don’t require a college degree.
At Here’s Help Staffing in Middletown, we specialize in helping new graduates find desirable positions worthy of their education and skillset. Here are some of the many reasons that new college grads should consider working with a recruiting firm:
Avoid Age Discrimination
It’s no secret that employers prefer to hire workers who have experience performing the task at hand. As a new graduate entering the workforce for the first time, you have a good chance of being passed over for a desired position or hired at a lower salary than your education and skillset command. Fortunately, a good recruiter can help you overcome the age obstacle and score a great post-graduation position. After all, businesses are more likely to hire new grads if they come with a recommendation from a trusted staffing group!
Gain Access to More Positions
While most job searchers mine the same resources for a limited number of positions, staffing firms like Here’s Help have access to a wider array of openings. Because we staff positions in a variety of industries, new college graduates have the opportunity to try out different fields to find their passions. Additionally, staffing companies can help grads get in the door with temporary and short-term opportunities that may turn into full-time positions down the line.
Stand Out from the Pack
With the average HR executive receiving hundreds of applications for every opening, it can be difficult for younger job seekers to distinguish themselves from the crowd. An experienced recruiter will help you evaluate your skills, enabling you to focus your efforts on positions for which you’re truly qualified. Because staffing groups submit only a limited number of candidates for each position, your resume has a better chance of rising to the top of the pile. Additionally, your recruiter can help you stand out by honing your interview skills so you dazzle that next hiring manager.
Contact Here’s Help to Assist with Your Job Search
Working with a recruiting group is one of the best ways for graduates to ensure they don’t end up unemployed or working for less than they’re worth after college. At Here’s Help, we aim to fit the right candidate to the right company every time. Additionally, we provide opportunities in a wide array of fields including clerical work, healthcare, and marketing positions in Middletown. Contact Here’s Help online for more information about starting your career!